Dear Members,
It has been a topsy turvey month with the heavy rainfall and flooding that did a fair amount of damage to the course. Couto’s to the grounds team on a superb job to keep the course in tip top condition.
We are also proud to announce that we moved up 2 places in the Top 100 Courses in South Africa but sadly missed the Top 20 by 1 and are thus ranked #21 in the country. An excellent achievement to say the least.
As for the Club House we have been busy with improvements in the Tipuana Room and I am pleased to say that we are near to completion. The room definitely needed the small make over and we will now encourage our corporate members and external corporates to make us of our proud facility.
In the Men’s locker the new bag lockers have been installed, should you be interested in securing a locker for yourself please contact Carla at The lockers are priced at R325.00 per month but if you pay in full for the year we will offer you a 10% discount.
As luck would have it, our plans to improve our security access control system in 2022 came too late as a vehicle was stolen from our parking lot days before we were about the press the button on doing the upgrades. Never the less we are speeding up the process to get the new access control system up and running and we ask for your patience at the gates whilst we complete this project.
In the meantime as a member you can download the App called “G Remote” onto your phones, this will be the App that you as a member will be using to open the Entry and Exit gates, as security will have limited access to opening the Visitor gate only.
Carla will alert all members when the App is ready to be used and will provide assistance to those members who are not as tech savvy as the younger generation.
We have some fun activities planned for March and we encourage all our members to partake in the Clubs activities.
- Quiz Night on the 17th of March
- Half Price Sushi every Wednesday for Lunch or Dinner
- Happy Hour from 17h00 till 19h00 & Signature Pizza Specials every Thursday
- Members Draws every last Thursday of the month
To book your seats email Jeanette at
Please diarise that the Annual General Meeting of Members will be taking place on Thursday the 31st of March at 18h00.