Well, what a few weeks its been with all the preparations that went into Club Champs 2024. It was certainly done under very trying conditions as the rainfall figures were the most disappointing factor – we are thus far more than 350mm down year to date. This being said, our greens staff from Golf Data under the management of Etienne did an amazing job to give us course that was challenging to all. The standout was certainly our greens that were superb !
My congrats go out to our new Club Champion Brad Mangold who had nerves of steel to win a playoff against Steve Jesop – to all the divisional champions, what a challenge you all put in to win those coveted trophy’s – more detail will follow from Kyle.
From the Kyalami Country Club NPC, we will now shift our focus to the AGM that will take place on the 4th April and I sincerely hope we will have a full turnout of members to elect your next Governing Body – this your chance to ensure you are well represented by the very members that we engage with on all club matters. Last year the turnout was nothing short of dismal so lets all put that date in our calendars.
From our side we will do an overview of the past and a detailed presentation of the status of the club as well as our exciting vision for the future.
And remember, as Sam Snead said, “ Of all the hazards – fear is the worst.!”